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28 May 2020

Raji Unnikrishnan, GDN Online (Bahrain)

Bahrain: Employers must implement new rules on workers' housing to prevent second Covid wave, says govt.

"Labour camp norms alert for employers," 26 May 2020

Employers are being urged to continue implementing the newly-adopted labour camp norms...

Overcrowding the accommodations once again could unleash another wave of infections...

“As per the rule announced by the minister (Labour and Social Development Minister Jameel Humaidan) there should not be more than four people in a room and there should be a space of no less than three metres around each,” said ministry Under-Secretary Sabah Al Doseri.

“This is the government initiative during Covid-19, but in the post Covid-19 scenario it will be the employer’s responsibility to follow these regulations, and the government’s responsibility to implement the law."