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21 Dec 2011

Paul Sonne, Wall Street Journal

Belarus Talking to China Firm About Gear

A Chinese telecom-equipment giant has held talks to install a video-surveillance system for Belarus…an authoritarian regime with a track record of suppressing public dissent…Huawei Technologies Co., recently said it is scaling back its business in Iran…after a report…that Huawei was supporting technology that can be used by Iranian police to track mobile-phone locations. The discussions in Belarus show the company is still among those pursuing business deals with authoritarian governments. Huawei confirmed last week that it had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Belarus Ministry of Industry "to pursue discussions that could lead to agreements on a number of projects related to telecommunications." The Chinese company says specific projects are unconfirmed and remain subject to formal contract negotiations…Huawei noted that video-surveillance systems can be used for traffic management, long-distance education and local security. "Consumer products using this technology are ubiquitous in our daily life and can be easily purchased and installed," [also refers to Cisco]