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7 Dec 2009

Angus Stickler, BBC Today Programme

Borneo tribe fights for survival [Malaysia]

[for audio, click 'Listen again'] A BBC investigation into the actions of logging companies in Borneo has been told of the systemic rape and abuse of tribal women and girls - some as young as ten...[A] tribal chief...[said] the traditional Penan way of life is under threat from the logging companies...[who] are destroying the land where they hunt...[A] national action committee to investigate allegations of sexual abuse...[found] that there was indeed sexual exploitation...by the...lorry drivers of the timber companies...The state government of Sarawak...dismisses the federal government report as misplaced outside interference...The main logging companies operating in the area are Samling Global and the Interhill Group...Both companies say their own internal investigations found no evidence of sexual abuse or rape by their employees and that they are cooperating with the authorities...[T]wo years ago the HSBC bank pulled out of Samling following concerns about its logging activities.