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26 Oct 2016

Reporters Without Borders (France)

Brazil: Agência Pública and Leonardo Sakamoto are nominees for 2016 Press Freedom Prize-Reporters Without Borders for their work on human rights & against slave labour

“RSF unveils 22 nominees for 2016 Press Freedom Prize-Reporters Without Borders (RSF) today released the names of the 22 nominees for the 2016 Reporters Without Borders-TV5 Monde Prize for Press Freedom, which will be awarded to three laureates – a journalist, a media outlet and a citizen journalist – at a ceremony in Strasbourg on 8 November. This is the 25th year running that RSF has awarded this prize”, 25 October 2016

Many journalists and bloggers have continued to distinguish themselves in 2016 by the immense courage they display in their daily reporting despite the risks to their lives. Many of this year’s nominees,…from 19 countries, are being prosecuted or are in prison for refusing to censor themselves. Others are exposed to threats and physical violence from those they dare to criticize… Since its creation in 2011, the Brazilian non-profit news agency Agência Pública has produced many reports on environmental and human rights issues, some of them winning awards…Former war reporter Leonardo Sakamoto keeps a blog about human rights in Brazil and the fight against modern-day slavery. He has often been defamed and threatened and was the target of major smear campaign in April 2016…[W]ith TV5 Monde, RSF’s annual Press Freedom Prize has been drawing attention to…freedom of information since 1992 by honouring journalists and media outlets that have made a noteworthy contribution to the defence or promotion of this fundamental freedom. Each award comes with 2,500 euros in prize money.