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4 Jul 2011

Jerry Hagstrom, Agweek

Brazilian takes helm of FAO

Jose Graziano da Silva, the director general-elect of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, said...that he believes in genetic modification in agriculture but is opposed to individual companies being granted monopolies on genetically modified seeds...He also said the anti-GMO feelings are intensified when the seed is owned by a transnational company that “does not have the best reputation.”...Graziano da Silva will have no direct legal power over the use of genetically modified seeds, but his views could affect how developing countries that have not yet allowed their use handle their legalization and certification. One of FAO’s main jobs is to advise developing countries on agricultural policy...In answer to other questions, Graziano da Silva said:...High food prices are here to stay for years to come...Biofuels are like cholesterol. “There are good biofuels and bad biofuels"..The purpose of the FAO is to fighter hunger — there is no tradeoff between hunger and agriculture and the FAO will address both issues.