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2 Feb 2019

UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of peoples to self-determination

Call for input: the relationship between private military and security companies and extractive industry companies from a human rights perspective in law and practice

In July 2017, the Working Group convened an expert consultation entitled “private military and security companies in extractive industries – impact on human rights”. Building on this event and on the work undertaken by other United Nations human rights mechanisms and civil society organisations regarding the impact of the extractive industries on the enjoyment of human rights (e.g. A/HRC/24/41, 2013), the Working Group seeks to focus one of its thematic reports in 2019 on the specific role that PMSCs play in extractive industries.

The exploitation of non-renewable natural resources has frequently been cited as a factor in triggering, escalating or sustaining conflicts and insurgencies, and of generating insecurity in communities. It further impacts on a broad spectrum of human rights amid a lack of accountability, and gaps in liability of individuals and corporate actors and in remedies for victims. However, the particular relationships between PMSCs and the extractive industry, and the impact of the activities of PMSCs in the aforementioned areas, have received significantly less attention.

In this context, the Working Group seeks the assistance of interested States, inter-governmental organisations, civil society organizations, experts, private companies and other stakeholders in elaborating its thematic report by responding to all or relevant parts of the below questionnaire. The elements elaborated in the questionnaire are meant to serve as guiding questions rather than providing an exhaustive or a prescriptive list:

Guiding questions for submissions

Responses to the questionnaire may be submitted to the Working Group in English, French or Spanish at[email protected]. If not stated otherwise in your submission, the responses received will be published on the website of the Working Group.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2019.