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24 Oct 2019

Kunthear Mom, Khmer Times

Cambodia: About 800 garment workers protest over late payment of their wages and demand better working conditions

"Nearly 1,000 factory workers protest over late wages", 24 October 2019

Nearly 1,000 workers of a Chinese-owned factory ... held a protest over late payment of wages and for better working conditions in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet city.

The protesters outside ML Intimate Apparel (Cambodia) in the O’ Neang Special Economic Zone dispersed after authorities intervened.

Van Channy, 35, a worker, ... said that they decided to protest because the company frequently paid their wages a day later than other factories.

“The factory pays wages to us twice a month as the Ministry of Labour has directed, but our factory often pays us late and we cannot accept this,” he said. “We want the employers to pay us on time.”

... Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers, ... said the workers had informed him about their concerns and difficulties they face at their workplace.

“As unionists, we do not want to see factory owners who do business in Cambodia abuse our laws,” he said. “We want all investors in Cambodia to respect our country’s laws, and the rights of workers.”

Mr Sina said that between 700 and 800 workers took part in ... protest and the city governor, provincial Labour department officials and relevant authorities intervened.

... ML Intimate Apparel (Cambodia) factory officials could not be reached for comment ...

Ros Sarom, provincial Labour Department director, ... said that the factory management said they did not want to be late in paying the wages but were forced to do so because of money transfer problems...