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22 Mar 2019

The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia: Oxfam marks World Water Day to address gender inequality around water

"Oxfam address gender inequality around water", 22 March 2019

Oxfam will mark World Water Day … by hosting a workshop called “Women and Water Dialogue” to discuss women’s roles in leading and managing water resources in Cambodia.

“Women bear the highest burden and consequences of unsustainable management of water resources that are transboundary."

“They have the solutions to the complex problems of water governance. World leaders should listen to them,” Oxfam Cambodia’s country director Solinn Lim said in a press release announcing the event.

World Water Day is an annual UN observance day that aims to highlight the importance of access to fresh, drinkable water. It is celebrated across the globe through a variety of educational, theatrical, musical and lobbying events.

The theme this year, World Water Day’s 27th edition, is “Leave No One Behind”…