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22 Feb 2019

Dara Mech, The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia: Phnom Penh Municipal Court drops charges of incitement against former union president

"Former union president Mony’s charges dropped", 22 February 2019

The former president of the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Chea Mony, had his “incitement to commit a felony” charge dropped due to insufficient evidence, a court spokesman said ...

Phnom Penh Municipal Court spokesman Y Rin said Investigating Judge Seng Rithy had moved to drop the case brought against Mony ...

“The investigating judge at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court has decided to drop the case against the accused, Chea Mony, 48, who had been accused of incitement to commit a felony in Phnom Penh on December 15, 2017,” said Rithy’s letter dated December 28 ...

“[After investigating the case] under Articles 494 and Article 495 of the Criminal Code in accordance with due procedure, we have decided to drop the charge against the accused.”

… Chea Mony could not be reached … for comment…