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29 Nov 2018

Meta Kong, The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodia: PM reiterates his call to drop union leaders' charges by 2018

"Dismissing unions is not good choice’, 29 November 2018

Prime Minister Hun Sen … requested prosecuted union leaders to submit relevant documents to the Labour and Justice ministries in order for the two institutions to work alongside the court in resolving their cases.

…, he said: “This is part of ensuring workers’ rights, including political rights of our unions.”

Hun Sen urged the court to accelerate their proceedings in resolving the cases, “so as to not let them prolong until next year”.

“To prevent riots from happening, there is no better option than having a dialogue. The option of dismissing unions is not a good choice as it only intensifies tensions further,” said Hun Sen.

Currently, six union leaders are facing long-standing charges…

Among them is Yang Sophorn, of the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions, who applauded Hun Sen’s recognition of the unions’ efforts in defending rights of workers.
