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25 Apr 2019

Kunthear Mom, Khmer Times

Cambodia: Unions request govt. to introduce an affordable housing policy for garment workers; Labour Minister shows support

"Affordable housing for garment workers requested", 25 April 2019

A unionist ... requested that the government work with the International Labour Organisation to draft a new affordable housing policy for garment workers.

Sam Aun, president of the National Union Alliance Chamber of Cambodia, said during an International Labour Day event that affordable housing for garment workers is still needed.

“Most workers who work in Phnom Penh live in rented houses,” Mr Aun said. “They work 20 years and they rent for 20 years until they stop working. Workers do not own their own homes.”

“I think that if the government creates a policy to make housing more affordable, workers can own their own homes in five to ten years,” he added.

Mr Aun said if the government is able to succeed in providing affordable housing, then the lives of garment workers will improve.

Labour Minister Ith Samheng ... said he supports the idea and that the ministry will work with its partners in the private sector to lower the price of accommodations.

“I have discussed this with some partners, especially those in the private sector, to invest in residences and accommodations to sell to our workers at a cheaper price,” Mr Samheng said...