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15 Jan 2016

Emma Howard, Guardian (UK)

CEOs still refusing to consider climate change risks after Paris climate talks, according to experts

"Corporate leaders still in denial on climate change", 15 Jan 2016

Too many people in the corporate sector are still in denial about climate change, according to Katherine Garrett-Cox, the CEO of investment firm Alliance Trust. Speaking at a Guardian Sustainable Business debate on the role of business in tackling climate change, Garrett-Cox…said: “Within the last 12 months, I’ve had conversations with CEOs of major corporates in Europe and they just say, ‘It’s not real…’.”…One month on from a…deal at UN talks in Paris, Garrett-Cox hopes this will be the tipping point for businesses waking up to climate change…However…the UK’s only Green party MP Caroline Lucas said the government was making this transition more difficult…“What this government is doing in the name of being business friendly is constantly moving the goalposts so that no one knows where it’s going to be safe to invest,” she said…[Also refers to Ikea.]