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26 Nov 2018

China: Leakage of C9 aromatics by Fujian Donggang Petrochemical Co. raises local concern over impact on health and fishery, volume of spill 10 times worse than previously disclosed

“[T]onnes of C9 aromatics from the neighbouring Fujian Donggang Petrochemical Company had leaked during transfer between the wharf and a vessel when the connecting tube broke. Concern soon turned to anger when assurances from the local environmental authorities failed to match what people in the area were experiencing...”

“C9 aromatics is a by-product of the oil refining process. It can cause burns on contact with the skin, and dizziness, nausea and vomiting if inhaled.”

On 25 November…“Quanzhou city authorities on Sunday confirmed that 69 tonnes of the petrochemical C9 – a by-product of the oil refining process – had spilled into the local seawater, far in excess of the originally claimed seven tonnes. Two officials have been sacked for negligence, in addition to the arrests of seven people for their roles in the incident…‘The incident was mainly caused by the negligence of the petrochemical company that led to a failure of chemical safety regulation,’ the Quangang government said.”