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20 Nov 2007

U.S. Information Service

Coca-Cola Teaches African Teens About AIDS

Coca-Cola, the largest multinational company on the African continent, has long offered HIV/AIDS education and treatment to its workers. But in recent years, it has put its corporate clout behind attempts to stem the tide of HIV infections among the next generation of workers…The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation, with a donation of nearly $3 million, formed a three-year partnership with Dance4Life. The group reaches young people in nine countries…with health messages delivered via the performing arts…Coca-Cola also has donated $1.5 million…to get AIDS orphans back into schools in their communities…Coca-Cola has banded with the Africa Broadcasting Media Partnership to produce HIV/AIDS awareness messages…[It] received an award for work it did in China, designing and distributing decks of playing cards [with] message[s] about sexually transmitted diseases…[to] Chinese migrant workers, who are... known to enjoy playing cards while waiting for their next job.