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22 Oct 2010

Mark Rachkevych, Kyiv Post

Disasters waiting to happen [Ukraine]

The devastation left by the toxic sludge spill in...Hungary is a stark reminder that Ukraine is home to dozens of potentially larger ecological disasters...“A hazardous situation could erupt in just about any oblast [region],” said Dmytro Skrylnikov of the Bureau of Environmental Investigation...The majority of hazardous waste is located in three oblasts: Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhya all of which have...heavy industrial plants and factories...Ukraine’s environmental ministry...named two plants whose industrial waste ponds, if breached, could cause a disaster...: Mykolayiv Alumina Plant and Zaporizhya Aluminum Plant. They have a combined 25 million cubic meters of waste in storage...A giant potassium salt mine in Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast is also a disaster waiting to happen...The industrial waste dams are close to overflowing...Prydniprovsky Chemical Plant in Dniprodzerzhynsk...also doesn’t meet environmental safety standards...[S]even tailing ponds containing industrial and radioactive waste...are considered to be in unsatisfactory condition...Another site requiring immediate clean-up action is the Stebnytsky Potassium Plant...one of Ukraine’s largest deposits of potassium salts...The Chornobyl zone still poses a threat and contains several potential radiological hot spots...Chornobyl [nuclear power plant] still leaks to this day.