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31 Jan 2012

Prodesc [México]

[DOC] Press Release: Canadian mining firm Excellon Resources Inc. violates the rights of “ejidatarios” in the Ejido La Sierrita, Durango, Mexico

On January 30, 2012, members of the “Comisariado Ejidal” and a group of “ejidatarios” from La Sierrita…of Tlahualilo, Durango…met with representatives from the Canadian mining company Excellon, S.A. de C.V. to begin discussions to address the revision of an impact benefit agreement (lease contract) signed by both parties three years ago regarding the temporary occupation of 1,100 hectares of communal land…The State of Durango has acknowledged that numerous clauses of this agreement have since been breached…The aim of reviewing this contract was to establish mechanisms for new negotiations and to cease the company’s disregard for key clauses…However…Excellon was prepared to engage in open confrontation…[and] broke off the discussions, which were supposed to be a respectful re-negotiation of the agreement, after less than an hour in an extremely rude, offhand manner…
