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12 Aug 2008

Save My Future Foundation

[DOC] Response to Firestone [Liberia]

The Save My Future Foundation (SAMFU) would like to take this opportunity to clarify a statement by Firestone [part of Bridgestone-Firestone] in reference to our new report about their rubber plantation in Liberia titled “The Heavy Load.”... Beginning our campaign in 2004, SAMFU has had no cooperation from Firestone since Firestone’s former Public Relations Manager Edwin Padmore declared that SAMFU and Firestone are parallel Institutions that will never meet...[Our] entire report is well balanced as we were conscious and objective to report the steps Firestone has taken to address some of the problems on their Liberian rubber plantation...[While] Firestone is boasting of building a water filtration plant, waste is still been dumped in the Farmington River...