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11 Nov 2010

The International Organization for Migration (IOM)

[DOC] The ‘Buy Responsibly’ Campaign

...[T]he campaign, designed by Saatchi & Saatchi in Geneva, hopes to kick-start a change in consumer behaviour...Up until now, global counter trafficking efforts have mainly focused on prevention and post-rescue assistance...The IOM believes that a new approach is needed in order to tackle the global phenomenon of trafficking for forced and exploited labour. The “Buy Responsibly” campaign wants to tackle the demand side of trafficking for cheap labour and services...hence, targeting consumers and business alike. The goal of the campaign is to change consumer behaviour by asking...‘What’s behind the things we buy?’...Indirectly, it seeks to get business understand that it’s in its best interest to self-regulate their supply chains...The campaign will be launched in The Hague and Warsaw in December 2010 and in London in spring 2011...