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5 Feb 2007

UN working group on the use of mercenaries

[DOC] UN working group on the use of mercenaries concludes visit to Peru

The Working Group...met with other sectors of Peruvian civil society, including...a broad range of non-governmental organizations, private security companies, individuals and the media...The Working Group expresses its concern at reports concerning the recruitment and training of hundreds of Peruvians by private security companies to perform security functions in Iraq and Afghanistan...The Working Group has also received information from various sources concerning contractual irregularities, poor working conditions, including overcrowding, excessive working hours, partial or non-payment of salaries, ill-treatment and isolation, and neglect of basic needs such as health and hygiene...[T]he Working Group...[also] received allegations that private security groups or police officers engaged in private security work are involved in a series of actions by to intimidate the population, and in particular environmental rights defenders in the Cajamarca region. [also refers to Gun Supply SAC]