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26 Jul 2006

Sujatha Fernandes, Znet

Down the Peninsula - Villagers unite to protest Alcoa’s plans to build smelter in Trinidad

In February 2006, the aluminum manufacturing company Alcoa proposed to build a large aluminum smelter in the Chatham/Cap-de-Ville area...prompting criticism from the local residents and environmentalists...Alcoa is promoting the project as providing local employment and other benefits to the community. However, local residents are concerned about displacement, risks to health and the environment from harmful emissions, occupational safety hazards, and the loss of bio-diversity. The smelter will affect some 15 to 20,000 local residents...along the peninsula...the mostly poor, rural black and brown communities of the peninsula have united...in support of their interests....[and] joined the battle to defeat the proposal. The groups are planning a ten-day march from the peninsula to Port-of Spain beginning on August 10. [also refers to Bechtel]