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16 May 2008

Zachary A. Goldfarb, Washington Post

DynCorp to Pay Subcontractor In Racial Discrimination Suit [USA]

A federal jury this week ordered DynCorp International…to pay more than $15 million to a former minority-owned subcontractor, finding that DynCorp breached its contract and racially discriminated against the firm…Worldwide Network Services, a District telecommunications company run by two African Americans, filed suit after DynCorp ended a relationship with it to provide services in Iraq and Afghanistan…WWNS…alleged in court filings that DynCorp forced the company off the contract as part of a pattern of racial discrimination, listing several examples, including the use of a slur to describe a WWNS employee…In a statement, DynCorp said it did "not engage in or tolerate discrimination in any form and rigorously follows the highest standards of business ethics"…The company said a contract with WWNS was not renewed because of the subcontractor's poor performance.