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1 Jul 2008

Astrid Puentes, Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense

Environmental Responsibility in Latin America: Necessity or luxury?

…The necessity of attracting and retaining foreign investment to promote the economy, the promotion of infrastructure for economic development and the fight against poverty are arguments used by States, governmental organizations and even international agencies to weaken or delay standards of international environmental responsibility.  In the process, double standards are created for business operations, which allow companies to choose between countries with lower standards of responsibility…The continuous acceptance of double standards further postpones solutions to environmental degradation and requires  recognition of the fact that environment and human rights have a higher status in some places than in others…[I]t is possible to improve corporate responsibility, progress in the protection of human rights and promote alternative development methods.  Achieving this requires us to deal with and overcome many challenges…[I]t is relevant to mention that the effectiveness of corporate environmental responsibility depends on a joint effort by society: measures by governments, companies, judges, civil society and communities.  Yet, companies’ commitment and concrete steps are absolutely crucial.