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26 May 2011

Patrick Wintour, Guardian [UK]

Facebook founder Zuckerberg tells G8 summit: don't regulate the web

Leading internet figures have warned world political leaders against trying to regulate the web…Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, wearing a rare suit and tie, told leaders at the G8 that excessive regulation would not work…G8 leaders agreed a communique in which they welcomed the role of the net in providing economic growth and personal freedom, but also warned of its threat to privacy and intellectual property…Eric Schmidt, the executive director of Google, said: "The internet is the greatest force for good in the world. We should not have premature regulation ahead of innovation. There are technical solutions to these problems. Sarkozy sent a strong message he'd like to work with us on these issues."…He also slammed regimes such as in Iran and Syria for cutting internet access in the face of pro-democracy protests, describing it as a "terrible mistake". [also refers to Publicis]