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14 Sep 2015

La Via Campesina

Farmers' org. calls on govts. to prioritise people's needs over corporate interests at Paris climate talks

"Peasant agriculture is a true solution to the climate crisis", 3 Sep 2015

Climate disruptions this year have again caused widespread hunger, migration and the worsening of living conditions for millions of rural families, especially women and youth. While small farmers around the world continue to produce the food most people eat...the global food system imposed on people by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) is both a total failure and one of the main causes of the human-induced climate crisis...Instead of nutritious food for the world's people, TNCs have produced hunger and obesity, land grabs and rural displacement, and a climate crisis...[Governments]...have continuously failed to protect and advance people's most fundamental human rights – including the Right to Food – sending delegation upon delegation to climate talks that prioritize private interests over public welfare...La Vía Campesina declare[s] once again that Food Sovereignty...is a true, viable, and just solution to a global climate crisis caused largely by TNCs...[W]e need comprehensive agrarian reforms, public procurement of peasant production, and an end to destructive free trade agreements (FTA’s) promoted by TNCs. In short, we need justice – social, economic, political, and climate justice...We in La Vía Campesina, representing some 200 million farmers in over 150 peasant organizations, call on governments to prioritize people's needs over corporate interests and agree to real climate solutions – including peasant-based food systems that cool the planet – when they meet at COP21...