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14 Jul 2016

Kane Cunico, Kim Wong & Tamal Mukherjee, Channel News Asia

For India’s stolen children, a journey into slavery

across the tapestry of a country with a widening rural-urban divide. It is believed that some 135,000 children in India are trafficked each year, to feed the country’s demand for cheap labour in its sweatshops, factories, brothels and homes...This, despite the law prohibiting the employment of children under 14 except for jobs in family enterprises and the entertainment industry. Lawbreakers face a jail term of three years and a fine of up to 50,000 rupees (S$1,000)...Part of the success of traffickers is in how they are able to entice families into parting with their children. “Parents are offered some money in advance and they are told that their child will go and earn a good fortune, or would be able to learn many things.