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8 Aug 2019

Anna Triponel, Triponel Consulting and Daniel Fullerton

Genocide, business and human rights: The complexity of Myanmar and what investors and companies need to do about it

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The United Nations Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar (FFM)’s released its report this week...

The FFM’s recent report shines the spotlight on the economic interests of Myanmar’s military and the strong connections between the Tatmadaw and businesses and investors. And now, unless businesses and investors take concerted action...Myanmar’s military will continue to use its far-reaching economic and business interests to avoid accountability...

If businesses are to act responsibly in Myanmar, they should play a role in advocating for a truth-telling and accountability process...

Additionally, the UNGPs do not prevent companies from choosing to play a role to support the Rohingya in Bangladesh...

Businesses and investors should also look to the guidance provided by the UN FFM, which lays out a road map of recommended actions for businesses or investors operating in or with ties to Myanmar....
