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18 Aug 2011

Catherine Bolsover, Deutsche Welle

Germany is close to deploying 'mercenaries' to protect ships from pirates

Germany may soon authorize shipping companies to hire private armed guards to defend vessels from Somali pirates…[O]ne third of German ships are…sailing in the western Indian Ocean with guards on board, but the practice is only semi-legal…Berlin officials said…that there was a shift in opinion in favor of allowing armed guards to defend ships…[T]he government's coordinator of maritime industry policy, confirmed that officials favored changes to the law that would allow guards to use lethal force, but…Germany should wait for an International Maritime Organisation…vote…Otto is a member of the Free Democrats (FDP), who earlier raised objections to using guards on human rights grounds…They said the guards would be in a sense mercenaries. Police trade unions are also hostile to what they consider a "privatizing" of lethal force. "It's a function of the state alone," said…the Police Union.…