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3 Jun 2019

Dotsey Koblah Aklorbortu & Salman Ellembelle, Graphic Online (Ghana)

Ghana: Minerals Commission’s Chair calls for more local involvement in extractives to drive social & economic transformation

‘Ghana must benefit from gold mining — Boafo’ 23 May 209

The  Board Chairman of the Minerals Commission, Mr S.K. Boafo, has called for improved local involvement in the mining and extractive industry to drive the social and economic transformation of the country. He noted that after a century of gold mining, the country had little to show by way of development, particularly in the resource-rich areas where the mineral was being exploited. “As a country with a commanding lead in gold production on the African continent, Ghana does not have the wealth reflecting in its development,” he stated. Mr Boafo said the current state of some mining communities and regions, characterised by poor infrastructure, poor physical development and poverty, was not the best.

… It is time for us to redefine the country’s position and benefits, as well as adopt proper industry practices”. Mr Boafo appealed to Ghanaians, both home and abroad, who had the resources to take up large-scale mining and contribute to the physical development of mining communities to befit the status of the resource being extracted. He further encouraged mining companies in the country to list on the Ghana Stock Exchange to ensure inclusion of Ghanaian ownership. Mining companies, he observed, were facing challenges as a result of the withdrawal of soldiers from their concessions as that had caused the invasion by intruders who entered the concessions to steal…Mr Boafo commended Adamus Resources, now a Ghanaian-owned company, for their operations in the area and support for the communities.