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6 Jul 2011

Timothy Karr, Free Press and SavetheInternet.com, in Huffington Post [USA]

Google vs. Facebook: Should Human Rights Factor in Your Choice of Social Network?

What would…Mark Zuckerberg lose by refusing Chinese demands that he censor Facebook?...This came up after reading Christopher Luna's analysis of Google Plus as an alternative to Facebook…[Luna] wrote that he's come to trust Google more because of its refusal to buckle to Chinese censors…Facebook, Cisco and Microsoft have shown themselves to be much more willing to comply with Chinese gatekeepers…For Luna, Google's stance on behalf of free speech and human rights should be the deciding factor for social media users…In 2011, networked technology has become a megaphone for freedom movements…Yet at the same time new media companies have provided repressive regimes with the means to turn technology against their citizenry…[W]hile...Google has a better record than Facebook on several open Internet and human rights issues, both are in the business of selling us, their users, to advertisers...In a more perfect world tech companies that stand up for freedom and justice should naturally be more successful…