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24 Oct 2001

TASR-Slovakia [News Agency of Slovak Republic]

Hermes denies supplying weapons to Sudan

Slovak arms exporter Hermes has never had dealings in Sudan, the company's director, Dusan Herda, told TASR news agency on Wednesday. He was responding to an article published in German daily Handelsblatt on Monday. It was alleged that Hermes, based in Dubnica nad Vahom near Trencin, in 1998 rerouted an export of explosives bound for Chad, to Sudan, a country subject to US and European Union sanctions and suspected of being a base for Usamah Bin-Ladin's terrorist network. Herda says Hermes had a licence to export the explosives to Chad but delivered the goods to the customer at Bratislava airport. "Our obligations towards the customer ended by the act of handing over the goods at the airport. We do not know anything about the alleged transport," he said. Herda would not specify which African countries Hermes has traded with since 1998, saying it was a business secret, but he stressed that all dealings have been in compliance with the law.