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19 Jun 2013

Rebecca Boone, Associated Press

Idaho dumps prison contractor [USA]

Idaho prison leaders are looking for a new company to run the state's largest prison after Corrections Corporation of America admitted to understaffing and overbilling for...operating the Idaho Correctional Center...The...Center has a been rife with problems...with inmates bringing...lawsuits alleging rampant violence, a policy of understaffing and a practice of guards ceding...control to prison gangs...[In one lawsuit] inmates...said the...facility was so violent that inmates called it "Gladiator School;" that lawsuit resulted in a settlement in which CCA promised to make widespread management and staffing changes. In 2011 the company reached a financial settlement with one inmate, Hanni Elabed, who was beaten by a fellow inmate until he suffered brain damage while several guards watched. CCA's attorneys have vigorously fought the lawsuits and company officials maintain the safety and security of inmates and CCA employees are the CCA's top priorities.