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7 Feb 2020

ILO & IOE compliance guide developed to protect Middle East construction workers

In January 2020, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Organisation for Employers (IOE) jointly released a guidance tool intended to support actors involved in the Middle East construction industry to develop policies and procedures which adhere to national and international labour laws.

The guidance is intended for all actors across the industry, outlining the differing roles of clients, financial institutions, third party monitors, principal and sub-contractors, recruitment agencies, and labour supply companies in upholding labour standards.

It examines key areas of concern regarding labour practices for construction workers whilst also considering the challenges faced by the construction industry across the Middle East. In particular, the areas highlighted in the guidance are: occupational safety and health (OSH), wages, working time, working and living conditions including contractual, visa and accommodation arrangements, and fair recruitment.

As well as discussing key risks for workers in the industry, the guidance also provides checklists and templates for use by stakeholders in the process of implementing policies and practices to protect workers.