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8 Nov 2018

The Times News Network (TNN), India

India: Delhi increases minimum wage

After SC nod, government restores increase in minimum wage, 2 November 2018

Skilled and semi-skilled and unskilled workers employed in various government and private establishments [in Delhi] will get enhanced wages from this month [November 2018]. The labour department implemented the order on Thursday [1 November], a day after the Supreme Court restored Delhi government’s March 2017 notification hiking minimum wages for all categories of workers…

[Delhi Labour Minister] Gopal Rai said the government has also decided to form a task force to act upon complaints of non-compliance of the government order from December 10…

While skilled workers will be paid at least Rs 16,962 a month, semi-skilled and unskilled employees will now get Rs 15,400 and Rs 14,000, respectively. 

The labour department will launch an awareness campaign for employers and employees from November 10 on the new wage structure, which will continue till the end of the month. “The task force will act on complaints and conduct random raids at establishments. Any violation will attract a penalty of Rs 50,000 and jail term of three years,” Rai said.