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29 Aug 2014

Stronger Together

Industry initiative, Stronger Together, releases new guidance to help businesses safeguard “ethical labour standards” in their food supply chain

"New guidance to ensure ethical labour standards in UK food supply chain", 27 August 2014 

Work to stamp out slave labour in the UK food industry is continuing with the release of new guidance from Stronger Together, an industry initiative set up to reduce the risk of modern slavery in supply chains…In 2012, 29 per cent of cases of trafficking for forced labour reported to the UK Human Trafficking Centre occurred within the food processing and agricultural sectors…Stronger Together is today launching new guidance, entitled ‘Transparency in the UK Food Supply Chain – Guidance on ensuring ethical labour standards’ The document, which is free to download at www.stronger2gether.org, lays out pragmatic and straightforward good practice for UK-based growers and producers…David Camp, Director of the Association of Labour Providers and Programme Manager for Stronger Together, says: “Stronger Together equips employers with the knowledge and resources to deter, detect and tackle hidden forced labour in their supply chains…” [Downloading the documents requires registration]