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6 Oct 2015

Job posting: Events Coordinator [Response Global Media]

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Response Global Media (RGM) is seeking an Events Co-ordinator to work in its central London office to assist with all aspects of the planning and production of its international conferences, seminars and other events for professionals in the field of sustainable finance.

Response Global Media (RGM) is a fast-growing, independent media company, which has gone from start-up to 13 people and is hiring to further grow its events business.

We operate in one of the most interesting, growing areas in economics and finance today: the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues on institutional investment by pension funds, charities, foundations, asset managers and banks.

This is an exciting time to be joining a business as it moves into a major growth phase.

The position would suit a highly motivated, well-organised, self-starter graduate with a keen interest in sustainability and a desire to be very hands-on in a company where you gain real career experience. Knowledge of events organisation/administration is advantageous but not essential. Enthusiasm, passion, attention to detail and hard work are!