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24 Nov 2019

RFA’s Lao Service

Laos: Police arrests 8 activists planning to stage protests to condemn land grabs and dam projects, later releases 6 of them

"Police Detain Eight Would-be Protesters in Lao Capital Vientiane", 15 Nov 2019

Police in the Lao capital Vientiane detained eight people...who were planning protests calling for free speech and condemning land grabs and dam projects, later releasing six of them...

“First, people were going to rally for respect of human rights, and freedom of speech,” the organizer told RFA, speaking on condition of anonymity...

“Second, they wanted to ask the government to prevent land grabs, dam building, deforestation, and unfair relocation of communities,” the activist added...

The protest leader identified the eight detained activists as Sounthone Fasongsay, Kamkone Phanthavong, Bounnhone Phanthavong, Chiengsone Phanthavong,  Kiatthisak Hakmisouk, Phouvong Xaiyaseng, Santinoy Thepkaisone and the wife of Thepkaisone, whose name was unavailable...

One of the six who were released confirmed with RFA that he and five others were “released... after being held for a few days.”

RFA was unable to confirm the fate or whereabouts of two detainees who were not released with the others...

Reports of protests are rare in Laos, a one-party communist state since 1975 that brooks no public opposition and deals with dissent harshly...