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18 Feb 2019

Occupied Palestinian territory: Report claims tech giants & Israeli telecommunication cos. are limiting digital rights; Twitter & Facebook respond

7amleh -  The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media - published a report claiming that Israeli telecommunications service providers were operating in Israeli settlements in the West Bank contrary to international law and called on these companies to review their involvement there. The report also alleged that Israel relied on cooperation with Twitter, YouTube (part of Google) and Facebook, to censor, block, and delete Palestinian content online and called on these companies to publish transparency reports about how they handled Israel’s requests to do so. Facebook and Twitter provided responses to the report, following our invitation, while YouTube / Google, and the Israeli telecom providers - Pelephone (part of Bezeq), Cellcom, Partner, HOT Mobile and Golan Telecom - did not respond.

Company Responses

X Corp. (formerly Twitter) View Response
Meta (formerly Facebook) View Response
Golan Telecom

No Response

Pelephone (part of Bezeq)

No Response

YouTube (part of Alphabet)

No Response

Cellcom Israel

No Response

Partner Communications

No Response

HOT Mobile

No Response
