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6 Mar 2020


Latin America: Pan American Silver accused of operating mines that do not have the consent of local communities and of polluting water supplies; company comments

“Map reveals Canadian mining company’s environmental, social conflicts”, 2nd March 2020

The Environmental Justice Atlas released new maps...alleging that Pan American Silver operates mines that don’t have the consent of local communities and that pollute local water supplies — assertions that the company denies…

Pan American Silver, one of the world’s largest mining companies, operates eight mines in Central and South America that are beset with allegations of environmental disruption and human rights violations…

The map released by the platform, which tracks instances around the world where conflict and environmental issues intersect, suggests that Pan American Silver’s mines don’t have the consent of local communities and pollute local water supplies. The findings run counter to how the Vancouver-based company portrays itself.

“The information provided by Environmental Justice Atlas regarding Pan American is not accurate,” Siren Fisekci, vice president of investor relations and corporate communications for Pan American Silver…

The Environmental Justices Atlas’s Yannick Deniau disagrees.

“In contrast with Pan American Silver’s discourse as a responsible mining company, the map documents social and environmental conflicts over its mines from Mexico to Argentina, including lack of respect for the self-determination of communities opposed to its projects,” Deniau said in a statement…