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2 Feb 2007

IRIN news

MALI: Country must work to avoid the "resource curse"

Sambala Macalou, mayor of Sadiola village in western Mali where the...gold mining company AngloGold Ashanti operates, thinks the company is short-changing the community and ignoring its needs. "We have many problems...but the mining company doesn't listen to us," he said. Other Malian nongovernmental organisations have accused the company of overstating production costs, an essential factor in determining how much profit goes to the company, and how much to the national and local governments. But Madani Diallo, AngloGold's country manager, disagrees. He told IRIN the company is "trying its best" to improve the communities...it works in...While admitting the company "might not be perfect", Diallo said it does everything the Malian government requests, and that it cannot be held responsible for what happens to the revenue after it's paid...Malian officials have indicated the country will announce its intention to join the global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) later in February.