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24 Jul 2018

Mark Tutton, CNN

Modern slavery in developed countries more common than thought

19 July 2018

A report on modern slavery around the world has found that the number of slaves in developed nations, including the United States and United Kingdom, is much higher than previously thought.

...[R]eport that estimated...40.3 million slaves worldwide....

...1 in every 800 -- are living in modern slavery, seven-times higher than it previously believed.

...In the UK, it estimates there are 136,000 slaves, almost 12-times higher than previous figures.

The numbers contrast with UK government's most recent estimate that there were between 10,000 and 13,000 potential.... There is no equivalent government figure for the US.

...Walk Free Foundation says the reason for the dramatic increases...is that the latest report uses far more data sources than previously.

...As a result, the slavery estimates for other countries, including Australia, France, the Netherlands and other European nations, have increased. However, the report notes that these countries are also those whose governments are doing most to tackle the problem.

...North Korea has the highest prevalence of modern slavery in the world, with an estimated one in 10 people (2.6 million) forced to work...