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13 Dec 2012

David Herbling, Business Daily [Kenya]

More than a third of NSE firms lack women directors [Kenya]

More than a third of the companies listed at the Nairobi bourse do not have women directors as State-owned firms outperformed private companies on boardroom gender equality, a study by Kenya Institute of Management has found. The says 34 per cent of the 57 companies listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) do not have a woman on their board at a time when the capital markets regulator is pushing for mandatory gender caps...The reduced role of women in Kenya’s boardroom is out of step with the spirit of the Constitution which states that no gender should occupy more than two-thirds of boardroom seats in State-owned companies or in firms where the government’s ownership is more than 50 per cent. [refers to BOC Kenya, DTB Bank, Kenya Re, KenGen, Safaricom, Standard Chartered, East African Breweries, Deloitte & Nation Media Group]