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18 Aug 2014

Rahima Essop, Eye Witness News

MTN protects staff from Ebola

"MTN protects staff from Ebola", 15 Aug 2014 Mobile Network operator MTN says it has put interventions in place to help staff and their families in West Africa battling an Ebola outbreak. Liberia, Guinea...[S]ierra Leone and Nigeria have been the hardest hit by the epidemic. More than a thousand people have died since the outbreak in March. MTN operates extensively in West Africa, but confirms none of its employees have been infected...The mobile network operator has however confirmed five foreign employees in Liberia have left the country as a precautionary measure. MTN says offices are being thoroughly cleaned and protective equipment and clothing are being issued to staff. Some employees are also being allowed to work from home. MTN says it has also established a crisis call centre in collaboration with the Liberian government to help minimise the impact of the disease.