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15 Dec 2019

Myat Thura, Myanmar Times

Myanmar: Legislators urge investigation of alleged human rights violations in raft-fishing

"Myanmar lawmaker seeks investigation of raft-fishing business", 15 December 2019

A Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) legislator has sought an investigation of the alleged human rights violations in the raft-fishing business in Pyapon district of Ayeyarwady Region.

U Zaw Min Thein, MP for Laymyethnar township...said the Lower House committee needs to find a way to rein in the activities of informal and illegal brokers so that fishing workers can be protected by employment contracts.

"Raft-fishing owners must hire workers only if they have health certificates, and ID cards (proof of marine workers)," U Zaw Min Thein said. "They should only deal with official job brokers under contract."

Former workers on raft-fishing boats claimed that they were forced to work without rest and despite other human rights violations.

They said the industry breaks the law on human trafficking and forced labour.


A local official in Pyapon said that more than 100 people in the area have been reported killed, injured, or missing in the business this year.
