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12 May 2015


New UK Govt. announces plans to change strike laws; unions say proposals "will make legal strikes close to impossible"

Newly appointed Business Secretary Sajid Javid has said there will be "significant changes" to strike laws under the new Conservative government. A strike affecting essential public services will need the backing of 40% of eligible union members under government plans, he said. Currently, a strike is valid if backed by a majority of those balloted. Unions said the plans "will make legal strikes close to impossible"....The TUC said the changes to the law would favour the UK's "worst bosses"....However, the CBI business lobby group said that "strikes should always be the result of a clear, positive decision by those balloted". Katja Hall, CBI deputy director general, said: "The introduction of a threshold is an important - but fair - step to rebalance the interests of employers, employees, the public and the rights of trade unions.