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1 Jan 2008

CSR WeltWeit

OSRAM Türkei (Osram Ampul Ticaret A.Ş.) - Osram Aydınlanma Hareketi (Osram’s Student Illumination Movement)

Osram Turkey started its first social responsibility project on the 100th anniversary of Osram in 2006. Our Osram Student Illumination Movement (OSIM) is a long-term project which has every year a new theme. The annual concepts are surrounded of the topic education under poor conditions. We are the first ones in Turkey in our sector with a social responsibility project. Our goal is to meet the needs of the underdeveloped regions in Turkey... [In 2006,] we visited 100 schools, which were in bad conditions and had poor lighting. We illuminated these schools by installing Energy Saving Solutions instead of solely incandescent lamps and where necessary, new fixtures to achieve ideal illumination...[In 2007,] our team checked the improvements after the installations and [taught] the children about global warming and energy saving...[In 2008,] we installed in all existing schools for visually handicapped students in Turkey the right lighting solution to increase the quality of their education.