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1 Feb 2016

Parvez Jabri, Business Recorder (Pakistan)

Pakistan: Ministry of Textile to train cotton farmers on how to mitigate climate impacts

"Ministry of Textile to organize conference on climate change for educating cotton farmers", 28 Jan 2016

Ministry of Textile Industry in collaboration with Meteorological Department would organize a series of conferences on 'climate change' at national as well as local level in order to educate the cotton growers about the adverse impact of climate change on the crop…Dr. Khalid Abdullah, the Cotton Commissioner in the Ministry of Textile Industry…said…44 percent decrease in cotton arrival was recorded in Punjab province that were attributed to climate change…The other factors…were above average rains fall…lower market of cotton crop during season and very poor crop management by the farmers…In this regard, the Ministry has planned 18 workshops and seminars in Sindh Province and 20 programmes in Punjab for educating the farmers about the climate change and crop management to achieve higher production…Besides, a master trainers programme has also being designed…These master trainers would further train the people at local level about crop management, climate change and pesticides managements…