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1 Dec 2009

Emmanuel Sulle and Fred Nelson, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

[PDF] Biofuels, land access and rural livelihoods in Tanzania

Growing demand for biofuels is being driven by recent high oil prices, energy security concerns, and global climate change…The potential impact of biofuel production on the price of food crops in Tanzania is already a major concern. Most important for local communities, however, is a loss of rights over customary lands…This report investigates and describes patterns of biofuel development in Tanzania…The report also finds that some land acquisitions for biofuels are targeting land that is used for forest-based economic activities that villagers depend heavily on…The report shows that biofuel companies using outgrower and other contracted smallholder arrangements have little direct negative impacts on land access and represent the most positive model for local livelihoods and the environment…[refers to Air New Zealand, Diligent Tanzania, Sun Biofuels Tanzania, Bioshape, Sekab Bt, Felisa, Donesta, Savannah Biofuels, Trinity Consultants, Bioenergy TZ, Shanta Estates, Tanzania Biodiesel Plant, Clean Power TZ, CMC Agriculture Bio-energy Tanzania, ZAGA, African Green Oils, InfEnergy Co., Bio Massive JCJ Co., African Biofuel and Emission Reduction Co. TZ., Prokon BV, Kapunga Rice Project, DI Oils Tanzania, Kikuletwa Farm, Kampuni ya Kusambaza Teknolojia, Tanzania National Electricity Supply Company (TANESCO)]