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1 Sep 2010

Dhaatri Resource Centre for Women and Children & Samata

[PDF] Contesting Women’s Rights Within the Political Economy of Mining in India

...The current report tries to present what the mining industry and mining economy mean to the...women who are...affected by mining and its subsidiary activities. It gives a glimpse into the struggles of such women campaigning against this exploitation of the mining industry... It analyses the historical trend in the mining industry with respect to gender disparities and the implications of the future of the mining industry on women’s lives, as workers and as displaced communities. It provides case studies on the impacts...experienced by women...and the threats they perceive...there is growing feminisation of the extractive industry on the one hand, and feminisation of poverty induced by mining on the other...[refers to Anrak Aluminium, Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development, Bharat Aluminium (part of Vedanta), Birla Periclase, Coal India, Jindal South West Aluminium, Lonmin Plc, Mahanadi Coalfields, NALCO, National Thermal Power, RPG-CESCL, RP Goenka group, Southwest Orissa Bauxite Mining Company (joint venture of Sterlite Industries India Limited [part of Vedanta], Orissa Mining Corporation), Vedanta, Western Coalfileds]