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17 Jan 2007

Ian G. Austin, President & CEO, Skye Resources Inc.

[PDF] [Letter from Skye Resources Inc. on Evictions in Guatemala]

Like you, we are concerned about what has happened. We have been working with management in Compañía Guatemalteca de Niquel S.A. (CGN), Skye’s subsidiary in Guatemala, which owns the Fenix Project, to assist them in resolving issues relating to the land invasions that started a few months ago and subsequent evictions...The First Instance Criminal Court of Guatemala...ruled...that CGN has legal title to the land...The squatters were told in advance so they could leave before the arrival of the police delegation...I would like to emphasize that these evictions were not the preferred course of action to settle the land invasions. The company did everything in its power to ensure that the evictions were carried out in the best possible manner while respecting human rights.