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25 Jun 2019

Servindi (Peru)

Peru: Justice accepts to accumulate two processes about assassinations and injuries of community members in dispute with mining company Río Blanco Copper in 2009

[Excerpt translation from Spanish provided by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre]

In the wake of the Río Blanco project, the First Criminal Appeals Chamber in Piura judiciary studied the case of two murdered community members and five injured after a social conflict in 2009…This progress was achieved after declaring it was going to accumulate two penal lawsuits by the seven victims from the community of Segunda and Cajas, in Huancabamba…The case occurred on December 2nd, 2009, where 35 police officials from the Dirección Nacional de Operaciones Especiales, DINOES (Special Operations Home office) arbitrarily entered the land of those affected…According to the Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros (OCMAL), utilizing PNP (Peru Natl. Police) vehicles and those of the mining company Río Blanco Copper S.A. [now part of Xiamen Zijin Tongguan Investment Development Corporation, part of Zijin Mining Group, Tongling Non-Ferrous Metals Group Holding Co. Ltd. And Xiamen C&D Cooperation Ltd.], the police shot against ten farmers that were protesting this arbitrary trespassing…In said episode, two farmworkers were murdered by firearm wounds to the back. This refers to Vicente Romero Ramírez and Castulo Correa Huayama…Furthermore, five community members were injured: Palemón Tocto Peña, Joaquín Ramírez Togas, Eulalia Romero Ramírez, Rogelio Togas and José María Ramírez.